How to create an ergonomic study area for your kids

In the early years of practising as a chiropractor, I worked in the country, and a lot of the presentations coming through were falls and injuries.

Now that I’m working in the city, the majority of patients, from children to adults, the issues are more a variation of “I sit too much, and my body hurts”.

With many children balancing an active life of sports and outdoor activities with a computer-based schooling system, we’re seeing many more children presenting with injuries and issues usually seen in adults with an office job.

Your child’s academic performance relies on much more than just simply showing up to school and doing homework. Their health can affect how well they concentrate, learn and create.

Setting your child up for back-to-school success includes packing healthy lunches and encouraging school sports, but there are ways you can support your child’s health at home too. One of these includes creating an ergonomic study area.

What is an ergonomic study area?

An ergonomic study area is one that is designed to help your child stay healthy, comfortable and focused while they are studying. It can help to prevent injuries that can occur from repetitive motions or poor posture.

Additionally, many studies have shown that having an ergonomic study area for your child can greatly improve their focus and concentration levels. So while your child may not enjoy doing their homework, at least you know their study area is optimised for learning and studying.

By stressing the importance of ergonomics in childhood, you are helping them prevent postural injuries and setting your child up with good habits to last a lifetime.

How to create an ergonomic study area

Here are some tips for creating an ergonomic study area for your child:

Have a dedicated space

It’s tempting to let your kids sit at the dining table or kitchen bench to do their homework (allowing you to keep an eye on them), but these spaces aren’t designed for studying. Their study area should be free of distractions such as television, gaming or social media..

Invest in an ergonomic chair

Most children have a tendency to slouch, which can lead to bad posture and sore muscles. An ergonomic chair with back and height adjustment is essential, allowing you to find the best position for your child’s size. 

Hot tip: Encourage good posture and regular breaks by making them non-negotiables. This doesn’t just apply to when they're studying but also gaming, watching tv or on social media. 

Adjust their position

To prevent strain on your child’s back and neck, finding the optimum position for their screen, desk, and chair is important. 

As a rule, your child should have a 90-degree angle between their back and thighs and their knees bent 90 degrees with feet flat on the ground. They should be sitting up straight with their back, neck and head upright. Any computer screens should be positioned at eye level or tilted so they don’t have to bend their head to see, while mouses, keyboards, pens and paper should be positioned in line with elbows to prevent wrist or shoulder strain.

Use lumbar support, hand rests and footrests to make your child even more comfortable.

Provide adequate lighting

Many kids use laptops and iPads to study, which can put them at risk of eye strain. Natural light is best, but you can use a dimmable desk lamp or floor lamp to give them the extra light they need without turning up the screen brightness. Also, use curtains and blinds or keep screens tilted to reduce glare. 

At HealthShack, we see far too many people visit us with problems caused by poor ergonomic setups at work and children are no different! Set your child up for back-to-school success by creating an ergonomic study area that will keep them healthy, happy and motivated. If you need more tips or your child has aches and pains, come and visit our friendly team. Our experienced Rockingham chiropractors will get your child back to their healthy and happy self. Book an appointment today!