Hypnotherapy in Rockingham
with Sally Gregoire

Kinesiology and Hypnotherapy Rockingham locals love

Hypnotherapy and Kinesiology are both powerful therapies in their own right, but they can also be used together to enhance their effectiveness. See how the team at Health Shack can help you achieve wellness through these natural therapies.

When you choose to see our Hypnotherapist or Kinesiologist, you're choosing to work with a team that looks at the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual factors that can impact your overall well-being.

Our natural therapies are designed to work with your body's natural healing processes to support your health from the inside out. By addressing the root cause of any imbalances or blockages, our therapies can help you to achieve a greater sense of balance, harmony, and well-being in all areas of your life.

The benefits of combining Hypnotherapy and Kinesiology

By combining these two therapies, our therapist can gain a deeper understanding of your physical, emotional, and spiritual needs. Kinesiology can be used to identify physical imbalances and blockages in the body's energy system, while modern Hypnotherapy can be used to access the subconscious mind and promote positive change.

Becoming healthy is a collaborative effort. Whether you're seeking relief from chronic pain, looking to overcome a phobia, or simply seeking a greater sense of peace and clarity, our friendly and experienced team is here to support you every step of the way.

What is Hypnotherapy?

Hypnotherapy is a form of therapy that uses hypnosis to help you
access your subconscious mind to promote healing and positive change.

During a hypnotherapy session, you are guided into a state of deep relaxation, where the subconscious mind becomes more open to suggestions. Hypnotherapy can be used to address a wide range of issues, including Stop Smoking, anxiety, depression, phobias, self-esteem, weight management and more. It can also be used to improve confidence, focus, and overall well-being.

What is Kinesiology?

Kinesiology is a holistic therapy that uses muscle testing to
identify imbalances in the body's energy system.

Suffering from muscle knots, soreness or immobility? Kinesiology aims to promote physical, emotional, and spiritual health by correcting these imbalances.

During a Kinesiology session, our kinesiologist will use gentle muscle testing techniques to identify stress areas or blockages in the body's energy system. They will then use a range of techniques, including acupressure, emotional stress release, Homeopathy, sound therapy, Brain Integration and nutritional advice, to correct these imbalances and restore balance to the body.

Kinesiology can effectively address various issues, including stress, anxiety, digestive problems, hormonal imbalances, and more.

Services for Kinesiology and Hypnotherapy in Rockingham

Want to take control of your health journey?
Call Sally Gregoire on 0422 448 011 to
book an appointment at our clinic.

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