Chiropractor’s Tips for Preventing Back Injuries at Work

If your role includes manual labour in Australia, you’re at risk of common workplace injuries such as sprains, strains, and back injuries. These injuries can result in significant pain, time off work, and even long-term disabilities. Employers must legally take steps to prevent injuries and ensure safe working conditions, however at Health Shack, we recommend that workers take measures to look after their own safety and wellbeing at work, too! 

Our expert Rockingham chiropractors are well-versed in health and safety and treating workplace injuries, including back pain and back injuries. Health Shack Rockingham’s massage and chiropractic services are conducted by fully qualified practitioners who are skilled in treating musculoskeletal disorders and can provide manual therapy, such as spinal manipulation, soft tissue therapy, ergonomic advice or suggest lifestyle modifications. 

What are the most common workplace injuries?

According to Safe Work Australia, the most common workplace injuries in Australia are musculoskeletal disorders, with back injuries accounting for a significant portion of these injuries. In fact, chronic low back pain is a leading cause of pain and disability and it is estimated that it affects up to 1 in 6 Australians at any given time (Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, 2016), having a significant impact on quality of life. 

The most common causes of back injuries are heavy lifting, awkward postures, and repetitive movements. Therefore, it is crucial to understand proper lifting techniques to prevent back pain and to understand the basic biomechanics of how your body should move and work so that you can better take care of it.

How to lift heavy objects properly

When lifting heavy objects, you should keep the load close to your body and avoid twisting or bending at the waist. Always use your legs to lift and lower the load, rather than your back. If the load is too heavy, you should seek assistance or use equipment such as a forklift or trolley. Your employers should also ensure that you have access to appropriate lifting aids, such as back braces or lifting straps.

In addition to proper lifting techniques, take regular breaks to stretch and rest your muscles. This can help prevent muscle fatigue and reduce the risk of injury. Employers should also provide workers with ergonomic workstations and equipment, such as adjustable chairs and computer monitors, to ensure proper posture and reduce the risk of strain injuries.

How do chiropractors treat back pain? 

According to the Chiropractors' Association of Australia, chiropractic care is effective in treating back pain and improving spinal function. 

At Health Shack Rockingham, our chiropractors are trained to diagnose and treat a wide range of musculoskeletal conditions, including back injuries. Chiropractic treatment for back injuries focus on restoring normal function to the affected area and reducing pain and inflammation through spinal manipulation, and soft tissue therapy including massage or stretching. 

Our chiropractors will work to restore normal function to the injured area and advise of lifestyle changes to make to improve the strength and stability of your spine, including exercise to add to your routine. 

If the injury requires additional medical care, such as advanced imaging and referral to a specialist, our chiropractors may recommend you engage other healthcare providers for further treatment.

How can a massage therapist treat back pain? 

Massage therapy can be an effective treatment for back injuries by promoting tissue healing, reducing inflammation, and relaxing tight muscles. Massage therapy involves manipulating the soft tissues, muscles, tendons, and ligaments. This can help break up scar tissue and adhesions, which can impede healing and cause pain.

Our massage therapists aim to improve circulation to the injured area, relax tight muscles alleviate pain and improve range of motion, provide pain relief and increase your flexibility and mobility. They often work best in conjunction with care from our chiropractors, who when working together may achieve faster recovery for your injury. 

For manual workers, massage therapy can also offer excellent maintenance care for your body, with the goal of preventing an injury before it occurs. 

If you are experiencing back pain or have a back injury, consider seeking out the services of Health Shack’s qualified massage therapists to help you recover and improve your overall musculoskeletal health.

Do you have a workplace injury? 

At Health Shack Rockingham, our chiropractors and massage therapists are well-equipped to treat and relieve the symptoms of workplace injuries and promote musculoskeletal health. If you have been injured at work, consider seeking out the services of a qualified Perth chiropractor to help you recover and prevent long term disabilities. Get in touch to book an appointment with one of our Massage therapists or Chiropractors in Rockingham now. 

Have questions about your back pain? Contact us today!

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